Truth and Tenacity.

2019 was both amazing and difficult for me.

I traveled a lot this year. Starting it with a cruise, and ending with a mountain vacation. And, there was a trip to Dragoncon in between. I got to see ancient cities, lavish castles, and met some amazing people.

Shout out to Karen. I met her at Dragoncon when she bought my book.

I accomplished a lot too.

I managed to survive a company restructuring for the day job. I finished and published Priestess. I got to go to Dragoncon as a vendor… to sell my books. I got to see my dad. I have improved my writing style exponentially. I started my weightloss, get healthy journey. I’ve kind of/sort of started a goal, which is to help other indie authors publish themselves. I found a face moisturizer that works, and yes that is a big deal. This is not new, but I am and was surrounded by people who love and support me. Oh oh, and I found out my sister is an amazeballs manager.

And… there was the setback.

Most everyone knows I took down Priestess because of some fatal grammatical errors that changed a lot of the context.

This devastated my writers ego.

I was forced to re-examine my author dream.

I always had this idea in my head that my success as a writer would mean I could support myself as a writer. I thought if I worked hard enough writing would be my day job. And, I’d always be smiling. I didn’t have the expectation of being a millionaire. I just want to write full time, maybe travel to some cons and spend hours talking about characters with fans. Yes. I realize the ridiculousness of that dream… now.

My books are grains of sand on vast beaches.

Because, I made the decision to take Priestess down, I came to believe that I would never accomplish my dream. I’d ruined my own reputation.

Well, I’ve matured a lot in three months because the scope of my dream has changed and I realize, that I’m living it.

I’m a writer. I’m an author. I’m a story teller. Monetary success can’t give or take that away from me.

So the dream has changed. I’m probably never going to make money as a writer. But, I am still living my dream.

I’m a published author. And, guess what. In 2020, I will expand my dream by publishing more works. And, those stories are going to be amazing.

So expect more super cheesy, scifi actiony romance from me… a lot more.

By the way, I did get the edits back on Priestess, and i will be doing a re-release with prizes, new cover reveals, and deleted scenes. It’s an amazing story and needs to be in the world. So look forward to that.

Also, look forward to more interaction from me.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling, writer, author, storyteller… still.

Time to Stop Wallowing and Get Busy.

Admittedly, my writer’s confidence took a huge blow a couple of months ago. I was so deeply affected that I couldn’t hear the stories that were constantly whispering through my mind.

After a very enjoyable vacation in the North Carolina mountains, I’m very happy to say, I’m finally hearing my stories again.

I cant wait to write them.

Who knew? I just needed a vacation.

I will post more about the happenings on my vacation in a different blog. For now, I will say this. Visiting the Biltmore, Ashville North Carolona, and. Driving the Blueridge Parkway should be on everyone’s bucket list.

In the meantime, expect more updates from me. And, look out for the re-release of Priestess.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling, and despite my existential breakdown, I’m still a writer.

I’ve been dreading posting this blog.

I’ve been dreading posting this blog, dreading being a weak word for my feelings, but it is something I have to do.

Recently, I’ve had to unpublished my book, Priestess.

I didn’t come to this decision lightly. 

There were errors in the book that changed the context and story I wanted to tell. After considering how best to address the issue, I chose to unpublish the book and make correct the errors. 

I know. 

As an author, my reputation… Well, it isn’t stellar. 

Reputation aside, my feelings about offering my reader a great experience with my book was more important. And, the errors were such that they took away from that experience. 

There will be an updated version of this book published very soon. 

So, that is all had to say today. 

I apologize, and I will fix Priestess. 

Who am I?

I’m Tiffany Easterling, a paranormal romance writer who is very prone to making mistakes. 

Sometimes I Get…


Sometimes I have extreme writers anxiety.

Before I explain, I must state a fact. I love my stories, my characters, my bad guys… my books. And, I’ve finally developed into my own writer style.

It’s the putting my work out into the world that causes my anxiety.

I’m about to leave for Dragoncon.

I’ve got a car full of books, posters and print material. I’ve paid cover artists, editors, and graphic designers, to make my books beautiful. I genuinely think they are beautiful.

Now, comes the hard part. Trying to get them out into the world.

How do I explain to people that I think my books are amazing?

What if people reject them? What if they reject them without reading them? What if I sit at my table at Dragoncon and people just walk by?

No, this isn’t my first convention table, but I only worked super small conventions.

This convention is huge

I’ve wanted to do this for years.

You’d think I’d be more excited and less anxious. But, my brain doesn’t make any sense.

Final truth.

My fear/anxiety is not going to stop me.

Honestly, even if I sit at my table and watch people walk by, I’ll do this again… and again.

I’ll keep loading my books and print material, and driving all over this country. I’ll keep braving my fear and anxiety to find readers. Even if it’s only one reader, because I get deliriously happy when I find readers that love my characters and stories as much as I do.

So, I’m off to Dragoncon. Ready to do this. And, excited to frollic at one of the best sci-fi gaming conventions ever.

And, and, and, David Tennant, Zackery Levi, and Cary Elwes are going to be there! How lucky am i?

Who am I? I’m I’m Tiffany Easterling, a mostly nervous, definatly excited, writer of butt-kicking action and delicious romance.

Third Floor, Table E195.

That’s me… going to be at Dragoncon waiting to sell you the most delicious action filled romance… ever.

Okay… not ever, but still, pretty darn close.

I’m going have previews, bookmarks, stickers, and ofcourse BOOKS!

Stop by and see me. I may even have chocolate.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling, author of delicious romance and butt-kicking action. And, soon to be very excited vendor at Dragoncon.

GenesisSpell… the update.

The current burning question:

‘Why did you update GenesisSpell?’

The simple answer; I rushed the publishing. The book was incomplete because I released it in two parts, and it needed to be one. And, finally, because it was rushed and my writing was still… very young.

I apologize to my fans and readers for any misunderstanding or inconvenience.

But, I truly feel the new version is what the book was meant to be.

It is a fun-filled romantic action-adventure that no longer ends in the middle. Did I mention the delicious romance and butt-kicking action?

I want to say I’m sorry for updating, but I’d be lying if I apologized. I love the new book. It truly feels like the book it should have been all along.

The silver lining, FateSpell was book 2, it is now part of GenesisSpell, and hopefully, ‘fingers crossed,’ there will be an update that gets pushed through via Kindle fo the E-book.

I will promise this. I will not be updating this book ever again. What it is, is precisely what it’s meant to be. Besides it being a great story, it’s a completed story.

On a side note… Stay tuned for posts about my newest book, Priestess. (Thinking of this book makes me sigh wistfully)

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling, mistake maker, mistake corrector… and writer of delicious romance and butt-kicking action.






Kick the Trolls, Light the Torches, and Throw Some Dice. I’m going to Dragon Con.

I have been waiting for weeks to announce this.
Guess who got a vendor table at Dragon Con?
That’s right, this girl!!!

I’m going to be in the vendor building, floor 3. Dragon Con Vendor List

You’ll be able to buy your very own copy of the newly released GenesisSpell.
It’s sexy actiony fun, and there is the badest of bad boys.

And, did I mention, you can also buy a copy of Priestess before its Amazon debut?
This little gem is full of delicious romance and butt-kicking action.

I will also have some cool extras, so stopp by.

Come, show off your awesome cosplay, or just to say ‘Hi’. I love to chat.

I’m so friggen excited.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling, paranormal romance writer… who’s going to Dragon Con.

So, what do I see?

The first question I get after people find out I am legally blind, and that it’s uncorrectable with glasses or contacts is; what can you see?

Such a difficult question.

Technically, I have to be twenty feet away from something a person with 20/20 vision can see from six hundred feet away.

Still doesn’t compute, does it?

I figured, but describing what I see is just as hard as describing the blue in the sky. It’s beautiful… and blue. You’d think as a writer I would be able to describe that better but I can’t.

I can tell you I love the way it feels in a clear day when the wind is just right and the smell of grass is floating on the air…. but the sky is still just blue.

So I thought I would do a picture show and tell.

Is it weird that I like to take lots of pictures, even though I can’t always see? It’s okay. I know it’s weird.

The images on the left are what I can see, (to the best of my ability to doctor the photos). The images on the right are what a person with 20/20 vision sees, no filters no doctoring.

Firstly, I must explain that because of my congenital condition, my eyes are missing a pigment that allows them to adjust to bright light. During the day under a bright sun, I get what I call light blindness. Also, because my vision is so impaired, I don’t recognize color. I am not colorblind per-say, but unless it is an extremely bright color, I won’t be able to see it. For this reason, I have a fondness for yellow and pink. Finally, I am both nearsighted and farsighted. Makes things fun.

This first image was taken on a beach in Mexico. Thanks to my awesome sister I was able to navigate up and down steep steps and not break my neck.


When I’m with people in public, it is very difficult for me to identify them. As a result, I lose people a lot, and often they are right in front of me. One of the women at the bar is my sister.


Also, I can wander through a grocery store for an hour looking for my husband. And, if he’s feeling mischevious, he’ll let me. (Not in a mean way, it’s usually because he wants to read magazines, but I’m on to him).


Sometimes, I have to catch the bus home. And when I do, I have to cross a six-lane highway. Yeah, it can be a little scary.


Some people may have the inclination to pity me. It’s okay really. I love being me, being legally blind and all. Truthfully, it barely slows me down.

I went to see my fave band, Day6 in Atlanta with my BFF. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!! They played all my favorite songs, and and and and…. I got to shake their hands. Side note, they are adorable.


Honestly, my vision lends a lot to my imagination. There is so much I can’t see, and so much I can imagine. To me, it feels like the world is magic because I can’t see well enough to know otherwise. I kind of like it that way.

Who am I, I’m Tiffany Easterling, legally blind author with an overactive imagination, and a belief that dragons walk among us because I have yet to see otherwise.

The Plan

This blog was hard to get out, so it took a long time to write it. Not because ‘the plan’ is some big secret, but because there are some parts of my life are very painful… still.

My Bio is very general, so it isn’t common knowledge that I am one of three siblings. I have an older sister and a younger brother. I had a younger brother.

To say he was my best friend, was an understatement. He was like me, but my brother, and a boy.

We had the same sense of humor, the same sense of fun, and we talked to earth over honestly. There wasn’t anything I couldn’t tell him. I don’t want to make it sound like we always got along, we didn’t, but then again we weren’t afraid to call each other on our shit.

My brother made me okay to be me.

Just so you understand how awesome he was, the picture on the left is of him as an EOUS. (Ewok of unusual size) He made the costume himself. The one on the right is of him at the gaming table goofing off, with me.

I hope you understand how much I love my brother. Because I hope you understand how much it hurt when he died.

I can’t go into details, except to say when someone you love that much dies, it doesn’t really get better with time. It’s more like losing a limb, you just get used to it.

I’m talking about this because this affects ‘the plan,’ and how I became a self-published author.

I think I’m like most writers, I wanted to write my whole life. I just didn’t have the courage to do it. Even when I started talking about getting published obsessively, part of me was like ‘yeah pipe dream.’
I think my brother knew, of course he knew, because he knew me.
His last days, he made me promise, through tears… that I would publish my book.

And so I did.

Hurriedly, with tons of errors… and in two books.

I was in such a hurry to fulfill my promise, because… I don’t even know why, I didn’t tell my story the way I wanted to.

But, I’ve grown as a writer and vastly improved. And, even though it’s unheard of, I plan on updating the two books and publishing them as they were meant to be, as One book. That IS the story I wanted to publish.

And, I know its the story my brother wants me to publish. I can almost hear his lecture about mistakes, the lessons learned from them, and how the road to the castle has cracks… and all.

So that’s the plan.

Soon I will do a re-launch on the book, I have a lot of fun stuff planned.
After that, look forward to Priestess, it will be a whole new series, but I’m already proud of this book, and it hasn’t even gone into editing.

Truthfully, I have zero confidence in my ability as a writer. I love to tell stories that’s all.

I’ve written three books, one is about to be published the way it should be, the second in that series is waiting for editing, the first in a new series is waiting for cover art and editing. I have journal synopsis for two more.

I hope that I do more than fulfill the promise I made to my brother because I now know it wasn’t about finding the courage to publish, it was about finding the courage to follow my dream.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling, author. And, chaser of dreams.
(No I didn’t cry while writing this, my eyes just spontaneously leak)


So it would seem that I have not updated my blog since… Well, that’s not important since I am doing it now.

What is important is that I survived a toxic cat bite, (though it left a scar), I’m coping with the kitchen remodel, (now in its eighth month), and I am doing a bit better after having a vet emergency that led to the worst case scenario.

No… No… don’t do that, the whole feel sorry for me thing. I was just explaining all the bad.

The good, I have amazing friends, and they took me to see my favorite band Day6. And, dammit those guys are awesome.

My extraordinary sister took me on a cruise with her to Mexico, and we got to traverse the ancient ruins of Tulum. It was a-maz-ing!!!

But, I will tell you about all of the good, in a future blog. And, probably the cat-bite ordeal. Because now, (that it didn’t kill me), it’s funny.

Most importantly…… Most most most most IMPORTANTLY.

I finished book 3.

‘Priestess’ is saved in my cloud and awaiting first round editing.

I am so in love with this book. The setting, the monsters, the characters…. the hot AF rocker-guy. Yeah, all the essentials.

It could be the start of a new series… I don’t know fur sure yet. I know this much, from my point of view, it’s hella good. Not because I wrote it, but because its the story I want to read.

I am trying my hardest to get that up and out before the end of the year. Since my new pledged to stay off the internet, except for research, I am getting more done.


Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling. Cat bite survivor and romance writer.