Why is this tiny electronic recording device so intimidating?

Hi all,

Sorry for not updating in so long. At least, I can say I am consistently inconsistent.

Before I do anything else, I want to say hello to any new visitors, and welcome. Thank you for checking out my website. Feel free to browse at your leisure.

Also, thank you to everyone that downloaded my books this weekend. My free book campaign was awesome success. It made me excitedly tear up.

So, what’s next?

We-ell…. there is a YouTube channel revamp/relaunch on the horizon… like soon.

I think I’ve overcome my anxiety when facing a camera, which is weird for me. I can talk to anyone, pretty much about anything, even sports if necessary. But, put me in front of a camera and I turn into solid stone.
How is this possible? There’s NO ONE there.

I am just a teensy disappointed in myself. I am a writer after all. As a general rule, writers don’t run out of things to talk about, or the ability to do so.

All, that being said, I can safely say I have reached an amateur level of camera speak. I plan on relaunching my channel next week. I think I have some good content, (hopefully), at the very least I will be entertaining myself.

And, don’t worry. Yes, there will be new books… soonish.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling, still an Evilbunny, still a writer.