Mistakes, because I’m not too hard headed to learn from them.

As a writer, especially one who started a little late in life, I have had to learn some very important lessons.

For example; What is a good idea? What is a bad idea? Inevitably I fail to recognize good ideas until I’ve tried and failed… a lot.

But, here is what I’ve learned.

First and very importantly, no matter how impatient I am, I will never publish unfinished story again. I dislike it, I’m pretty sure it frustrates my readers, and my characters hate it. Seriously, you should hear the voices in my head. They tend to bitch loudly when they don’t get their way.

Though the Aurora will be an epic saga, with action, romance, and awesome sex, I promise never to leave you the reader… and more importantly, my characters hanging in the lurch.

Time management is another mistake I make. This is something I’m continually struggling with because I’m very easily distracted by the ‘shiny things’ of the world. I mean the second season of Voltron could have waited?

However, I did realize I have an hour for lunch every day at my day job. (The one that sucks out my soul for eight hours a day, five days a week.)

It doesn’t take me an hour to eat. It doesn’t even take me an hour to drink a cup of coffee. In fact, I could drink a cup of coffee, eat, go to the bathroom, offer minor socialization, and still have time to sit at my desk and doze for a light cat nap.

Amazingly, I have been wasting a productive hour a day. I have an entire hour that I could dedicate to maintaining my social media and blogs. I normally don’t devote a whole lot of time social updated, because UCK logistics… and I get distracted by the shiny when I attempt to do these things.

There are NO distractions at my day job.
So, look forward to updates on my social media and more insight into my crazy brain.

Who am I?

I’m Tiffany Easterling Sci-fi romance write…..Ooh Shiny.

Where have I been?

Well… funny you should ask that?

Because I’ve been here:


I have a confession to make. Blogs and updates are so hard for me to keep up with, because when I sit down at my computer to write them, I immediately get distracted by the stories in my own head.

I don’t think I’m nearly as interesting as the characters I create.

In the future will dedicate time to updating my blog more frequently but in the meantime I have started a youtube channel. I don’t think it’s boring, but then I am one of those people that can entertain myself. I laugh at my own jokes too. Hey, I think I’m funny.

Also you can catch the occasional picture of my slightly odd life on Instagram here

For those of you that have been waiting for book two, it is still in the hands of the editor. She is diligently working on it the final edits. A lot of people have helped me improve my writing craft and I hope that comes through in my story telling. Please be patient. It think it will be worth the wait.

And as a bonus, I’m releasing the cover art…. Well parts of it.

Genesis Spell Book Cover

Who am I?

I’m Tiffany Easterling, romance writer-aholic, and now amateur youtube…gooftard.



Entertaining Distractions and Diversions.


So, while book 2 ‘FateSpell’ gets a complete once over at the second editors I have been busy… doing absolutely nothing constructive.

I’ve mainlined lots of k-drama, anime and series on Netflix. I’ve read a ton of books and manga. And, I have spent my more recent hours roaming the streets and parks searching for Pokemon. Yes, I can’t help but give into the distraction when they are sitting on my keyboard waiting on my to catch them.

Okay, to be fair, I have not wasted all of my time. I‘ve started a new book series with a very sexy hero and an extremely self-assured heroine.

In other news, I’ve decided to shift my time from non-constructive to being productive, well, productive in a fun way.

In the meantime, the best place for updates on my not so productive life is to follow me on Instagram. Here’s the link:


Who am I? Today I’m a transitioning to productive romance writer, Tiffany Easterling.


The Obsessive Compulsiveness of my Brain.

I know I need to update my blog more often, but I’m going to be honest. I’m terrible at real life logistics. I have good intentions… just not enough follow through at times.

However, I’m happy to announce that my editor has had book two in its entirety for more than a week now AND I hope to get that back this weekend. After that, it is on to copy, then the graphic designer, then to be copyright-ed… and finally up on Amazon. I was thinking of releasing the cover art early just for funzies, as a reward for those of you that have been and are still patient with me, but I haven’t decided yet for sure. So, be on the lookout for that.

In the meantime, my wonderfully obsessive brain has forced me to start a new book series. A hot guy with great smile, lots of action, lots of sex… Yeah, that is my new and current obsession. I’m planning for this to be a series of three in foreign countries starting with Japan. I will be honest I’m very excited about this book and the wonderful scenes that have come out of it. I hope that some of my readers will appreciate it as well. Did I mention a hot guy with a smile? Yeah, he is the reason I have not left my little creative spot in my little writing cave for the past week. But, he’s so sexy that it can’t be helped.

And now you are privy to the thoughts of an obsessive compulsive writer. It isn’t pretty at times, but damn it is always fun.

Who Am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling obsessive romance writer extraordinaire.



Is it to late to say Happy Halloween?

Holly The Spider


I hope everyone had a great Halloween, because I did even though I didn’t do anything.

Well, unless you consider forcing my dog to dress up as a spider something. For reals, she was something to see and not scary at all. (I was disappointed about that part.) But, she was adorable even if annoyed at me.

Okay, so I suppose I should address the obvious. Which is the lack of a published book two.

Let me apologize for disappointing all of you. It was not my intention.

Unfortunately, this year has been a hard one. I was diagnosed with a chronic disorder and am only just now able to control it. The side effects of said disorder are one of the few things that can stop me from writing. Seriously, most any other time I can’t wait to get to my computer and create worlds, characters, and stories. I just can’t do it when I am sick.

So, it is for this reason that I have to push back the publish date of book two. I am very sorry and please, if you are waiting, just be patient a little longer. It WILL be out by Christmas, if not the first part of December.

I will keep everyone apprised of my progress, promise.









Dragon Con bound…

Dragon Con Tix2

I know I haven’t updated in a bit, but when I haven’t been editing, I have been sewing and making cosplays to get ready for Dragon Con. I can’t wait for a vacation from my day job, my somewhat ordinary life and to immerse myself in all things geeky and sci-fi.

And, when I say ordinary; I mean a life without super powers or a light saber. See, Ordinary.

If you’re there at Dragon Con send me an email, because me and a few others are trying to get together an epic game of Cards Against Humanity. No, I won’t think it creepy unless you show up with olive oil and duct tape.

Now for updated, yes I am still working on book two. Yes I have cover art. Yes the other three editors are in place… and well I want to say it is on track, but it is hard to tell. Some chapters are easy, and some I had to completely redo because they felt forced and were no fun for me. I have come to realize when a chapter isn’t fun, it sorta sucks and isn’t something I would want to read. To cure that I submerse myself in my characters and call a redo. Usually it works out better.

I honestly think this book shows major improvement on my part, because I’ve learned from my mistakes on the first one. I know I’ve said that before, but I just finished a chapter I really love and I had to sit back and wonder if ‘I’ was the one that actually wrote it. I love that feeling.

Okay so off to pack for Dragon Con and I promise totally hot guy pictures. Me and a friend have a game we like to play called ‘find the hot kilt guy.’ Believe it or not it is harder than you think, but I will endeavor to persevere.

What age is too…???

Me As Glynda

Unless you know me chances are you probably don’t know that I frequent conventions, sci-fi conventions to be exact. I have been going to cons since, well a really really long time. That’s my way of saying I don’t remember when I started going, or how long it has been, I just remember always loving them.

In general I love everything about conventions. It is a place where my not so introverted geek self can run amok and frolic with other geeks. I’ll be honest, most of my time is spend at the LARP’s or gaming tables, but one of my favorite things about a con is the cosplay. I feel I have walked into a world where my favorite books, movies, and anime characters have been set free. Also, I love partaking in the cosplay. What am I leading up to? Well, this happened.

The following conversation occurred between me and a random stranger, whilst I was sitting at the gaming tables at Ancient City Con. Also, it should be noted that I was wearing a Lolita version of a kimono, and he was dressed as the ‘Pokemon Police.”

Pokemon Police: I see you like cosplay.

Me: (confused) Doesn’t everybody?

Pokemon Police: Can I ask you a question?

Me: Yes, there is a parallel universe where magic is common place instead of science. (My sad attempt at a joke.)

Pokemon Police: I knew it, but that isn’t my question. So, me and the wife are now twenty-nine and, well, at what age do you stop cosplaying?

Me: (I didn’t give his question more than a half a second’s consideration before I answered) You don’t, not if it makes you happy.

And in the immortal words of Forest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.

Today, I went cosplay supply shopping in order to get ready for DragonCon in Atlanta. Yes I will be there frolicking and causing mayhem. So, here are my cosplay’s as planned: Glynda from RWBY, (which I had previously made. Don’t I look cute?) Alice from Resident Evil, A post republic Jedi with purple saber, and a cutsie Lolita thing that I made and love wearing. Fun fun fun, I so can’t wait.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling geek, gamer, wanna be Jedi and occasionally I’m a cheesy sci-fi romance writer.


Sundays and Blog Posts


It’s Sunday and it’s humid and hot here in Florida. Don’t let the picture fool you, we are a tropical state. Because it’s so unbearable outside I thought ‘why not update my blog?’

First I must apologize for not updating sooner. Life, stuff, more life, and more stuff distracted me with shiny things then chased me down with a fifteen ton flaming boulder trying to kill me. This is also my reason for being behind on book two.

However, I am happy to announce a tentative release date on book two.

FateSpell,’ has a tentative release date of October 31st of 2015.

I know, I know… for those of you that are still fans of my work this is like…FOREVER away. I totally agree. Bu-ut, I’m working to improve my writing and story-telling style so that you can thoroughly enjoy it, as it should be. Well, that is my wish any way. I would like to be the greatest somewhat cheesy sci-fi action romance story teller of all time.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling. Class: bard/story teller, specialty: cheesy sci-fi action with more than a smidge of romance.

The writer and the nurse… Siblings.

Booby And Cindy

Ever see such adorable sisters? Yeah, me neither.

My sister just happens to be awesome. Recently she decided she wanted to be a nurse and today she graduated top of the class with her BS in nursing. In short, she made herself a nurse. Just like I wanted to be a writer, so I made myself a writer. There is something to be said about the Easterling sisters, we are not only adorable but we are very driven. We decide we want something and we do it. I love that about us.

I know I’m gushing. But, writing a book and getting through nursing school is hard work, heart breaking and wonderful work.

I’m proud of my sister. Because to me, the best dreams in life are the ones that you fulfill yourself.

I think we are a well rounded dynamic pair. Tiffany Easterling the writer and her sister the amazing nurse.





I was late, but kept my word.

As you can see, I’ve started to post deletes scenes.

I hope you enjoy them. Me, I love it when I get so involved in a book and I go to an authors page and they have extras like deleted scenes and extra character art.

Wow, I think I just said I made my website for myself. How self centered is that? 😉

There will be more updates coming soon. The sexy Audley is next. After that… it will be a surprise.

Who am I? I’m Tiffany Easterling a very self centered sci-fi romance writer that could fall into the category of good cheese.